The Impact of AI on Search Advertising

AI is already playing a significant role in shaping the future of search advertising and it will continue to have a profound impact. Below I've broken down some affects of AI and share my own personal experience for other business owners to understand.

I (owner of a boutique PPC Agency & specialist with 9 year experience in advertising industry) am excited to watch and be a part of the impact artificial intelligence (AI) has and is going to have on the online marketing industry.

There are two things I'd like to discuss today.

  • The Impact of AI on Search Advertising
  • What does access to AI & Machine Learning mean for businesses?

AI is already playing a significant role in shaping the future of search advertising and it will continue to have a profound impact. Below I've broken down some affects of AI and share my own personal experience for other business owners to understand.

The Impact of AI on Search Advertising

Below I've outline some ways AI will affect search advertising in the future and considerations for advertisers:

  1. Enhanced targeting and personalization: AI enables advertisers to leverage large volumes of data to improve targeting and personalization. AI algorithms can analyze user behavior, preferences, and historical data to deliver highly relevant and personalized ads. Advertisers should consider investing in AI-powered platforms or tools that can optimize targeting and deliver personalized ad experiences to increase engagement and conversions.
  2. Automated campaign optimization: AI can automate various aspects of campaign management, such as bid optimization, budget allocation, and ad testing. You'll notice in Google Ads, there are options to set campaigns to Max Clicks and Max Conversions, or to launch Smart, Performance Max, and Discovery campaigns. These are AI-powered already. Advertisers can leverage AI-powered algorithms to continuously analyze performance data and make real-time adjustments to improve campaign effectiveness.
  3. Voice search and conversational AI: With the rise of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search is becoming increasingly prevalent. Advertisers should consider optimizing their campaigns for voice search queries and embrace conversational AI to deliver relevant ads in a conversational format. Understanding natural language processing and optimizing ad content for voice search will be essential.
  4. Ad creativity and generation: AI can assist in ad creative generation by analyzing data and identifying patterns that resonate with target audiences. Advertisers should explore AI-powered tools that can generate compelling ad copy, visuals, and even video content. Some examples of platforms I use myself are MidJourney, Dall-E and Writesonic. Balancing the use of AI-generated creatives with human creativity and quality control will be crucial to keeping up with competitors and maintaining a brand's identity.
  5. Data analysis and insights: AI can process vast amounts of data and generate valuable insights for advertisers. By analyzing user behavior, market trends, and competitor data, advertisers can gain actionable insights to refine their campaigns and make data-driven decisions. Advertisers should invest in AI analytics tools to unlock the full potential of their advertising data.
  6. Continuous learning and adaptation: AI is a rapidly evolving field, and advertisers must stay up to date with the latest advancements and trends. Advertisers should invest in ongoing learning and upskilling to understand the capabilities of AI and adapt their strategies accordingly. Collaboration with AI experts and leveraging industry resources can help advertisers navigate the evolving landscape.

I hope this list opens up your mind and thinking to the capabilities of AI. What's truly most important is finding the leader within your organization to embrace, use and encourage the us of AI in a strategic and ethical way.

What does access to AI & Machine Learning mean for businesses?

It means there will be an extinction of mindless doers. And the increase in value of strategic thinkers.

We no longer will need people to do repetitive tasks online. Or answer basic questions and do simple task. There will be an AI for that.

We no longer need big teams to support accounts. *Which also means you do not need huge teams to work on your account (in the search advertising field). You need one or two experts in the search field to run campaigns that leverage AI technology.

If you did not know, Google released its machine learning (a type of AI) for Google Ads as early as 2018 (here's an article I found) dating back to then.

After more than 6 years of learning, Google Ads machine learning is quite advanced. Automated bidding and ad copy testing is ultimately handled by machines. What your PPC managers should be doing is guiding the machines and giving it quality inputs!

In summary, AI will revolutionize search advertising by enhancing targeting, automating campaign optimization, embracing voice search, assisting in ad creative generation, providing data insights, and raising ethical considerations. Advertisers who embrace AI and stay adaptable to emerging trends will be better positioned to succeed in the future of search advertising.

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Jenna has over 9+ years of experience in the marketing space with an expertise in search marketing.